
Masurian Center for Biodiversity and Nature Education KUMAK


The Masurian Center for Biodiversity and Nature Education KUMAK, operating at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Warsaw, is located in the small settlement of Urwitałt, on Lake Łuknajno, approximately 7 km from Mikołajki. The center was opened in 2023 as part of the modernization of the University of Warsaw Field Station. prof. Kazimierz Albin Dobrowolski, operating in this place since the 1970s.

Kumak is a complex of two buildings designed in a circular shape. The first of them has an educational function - it houses an exhibition on the ecosystem of small water reservoirs. The exhibition presents the nature of Warmia and Mazury and its connections with humans. The exhibition focuses on small water reservoirs and swamp ecosystems. The second building serves a teaching function - it houses laboratories, as well as a seminar room with accommodation facilities. It is intended mainly for conducting educational classes and scientific research in the field of broadly understood environmental sciences. Lessons conducted here include: in the ecology of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, protection of swamp ecosystems and habitat science, provide free contact with nature.

Powiązane trasy

7.2 km
"Lake Łuknajno Area" nature trail
"Lake Łuknajno Area" nature trail