
"Lake Łuknajno Area" nature trail

PATH ADMINISTRATOR: Masurian Landscape Park

MARKING: the trail is being marked


  • Open area, partially very sunny.

All ornithologists know that Lake Łuknajno area is the biggest breeding site of a mute swan. From 1976, the lake is a UNESCO biosphere reserve – MaB, and in 1977 it was covered by the protection of the Ramsar Convention. In 2017, the biosphere reserve covered the entire area of the Park and Lake Nidzkie, creating the Masurian Lakes Biosphere Reserve (MaB).

The path leads through open areas near lakes, once wet but later drained and transformed into pastures and hay meadows. The Łuknajno area is an excellent place to observe waterfowl, especially the mute swan coming here in large numbers during the moulting period. You can also see common coots, great crested grebe, garganey and mallard here. Birds of prey are represented by white-tailed eagles and ospreys in this area. Near the abandoned settlement of Osa, you can see fruit trees of old varieties, remnants of the former inhabitants. Grasslands poor in water are perfect to look for some wild thyme.

While wandering, though, you should be careful and not come close to the sites of Sosnowsky's hogweed that is dangerous to people.

Places on the route

Watch Tower near Lake Śniardwy
Watch Tower near Lake Śniardwy
Masurian Center for Biodiversity and Nature Education KUMAK
Masurian Center for Biodiversity and Nature Education KUMAK
Watch Tower near Lake Łuknajno 3
Watch Tower near Lake Łuknajno 3