
Natural monument –– A Pair in Love


  • Adres: Krutyń

This unique natural monument is created by an 18-meter-high pedunculate oak with a circumference of 200 cm which embraces a 27-metre-high pine with a circumference of 275 cm with its boughs. The trees grow west of Krutyń, on the road leading to Lake Mokre, near the border of the Zakręt reserve.

Powiązane trasy

3.6 km
Zakręt Reserve nature trail
Zakręt Reserve nature trail
11.0 km
"The Krutyń–Zgon" nature trail
"The Krutyń–Zgon" nature trail
25.8 km
Biking trail "Lake Mokre"
Biking trail "Lake Mokre"
18.8 km
Hiking trail named after Karol Małłek
Hiking trail named after Karol Małłek